“While curiosity killed the cat” might be a cautionary proverb, when it comes to feeding your cats, curiosity might potentially lead to genuine queries about which human foods are safe for feline consumption.
Deciphering which human foods are safe for your feline is not just about indulging their whims but ensuring their health and well-being. After all, as cat owners, understanding the impact of human foods on your cat’s health is crucial.
So, what human foods can you safely offer your feline friend, and which should you ensure stay on your plate?
What Fruits Cats Can and Cannot Eat
Fruits can be a delightful treat for cats, offering variety and a boost of nutrients to their primarily meat-based diets. However, not all fruits are safe for consumption. While some can provide a healthy snack, others can pose serious health risks.
Given these risks, it is important for cat owners to know which fruits are safe and in what amounts, as many fruits contain sugars and acids that can affect a cat’s digestive system.
Consider some of these fruits that are deemed beneficial and those that should be avoided to keep your feline friend healthy and happy:
1. Can Cats Eat Bananas?
Yes, bananas are safe for cats in moderation. Non-toxic and rich in fibre, potassium, and other essential nutrients, bananas can be a healthy snack for your cat. Although not toxic to cats, bananas are high in sugar and should be given sparingly to avoid potential health issues. Therefore, treats like these should constitute no more than 10% of your cat’s daily diet to prevent digestive issues or sugar spikes.
2. Can Cats Eat Strawberries?
Yes, strawberries are safe for cats and can be given fresh, frozen, or pureed. These berries are excellent sources of vitamin C, potassium, and fibre, which can help bolster your cat’s immune system. However, due to their sweetness, strawberries should be offered in moderation.
3. Can Cats Eat Watermelon?
Yes, watermelon is a hydrating fruit that can be a healthy treat for cats, especially during the warmer months. Comprising over 90% water, watermelon is thus a great way to help keep your cat hydrated while also providing vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium. However, be sure to remove the seeds and rind to prevent any risk of choking or digestive obstruction.
4. Can Cats Eat Apples?
Yes, cats can safely consume apples in small amounts, especially since they are a good source of vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants. However, it is crucial to remove the apple seeds and peel, as the seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, which is toxic to cats.
5. Can Cats Eat Durians?
It is generally advised against feeding durians to cats. This is because, while not toxic, durians have a strong smell that most cats find unappealing. Moreover, the high sugar content in durian is unnecessary for cats and can be difficult for them to digest, potentially leading to health issues.
6. Can Cats Eat Orange?
Oranges are a definite no for cats. These citrus fruits contain essential oils and psoralens that are toxic to felines, primarily found in the peel and seeds. Additionally, the high sugar content in oranges is not suitable for cats, as their digestive systems are designed for a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. This sugar can lead to health issues such as diabetes and obesity. The acidity of oranges can also upset a cat’s stomach, causing discomfort or more severe digestive issues.
7. Can Cats Eat Blueberries?
Yes, cats can safely enjoy blueberries, especially since they are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants. This might be able to help protect against cellular damage and may potentially reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.
8. Can Cats Eat Mangoes?
Indeed, cats can eat mangoes. This tropical fruit is nutritious, offering fibre, and vitamins C, B6, and A, which can be beneficial to your cat’s health. Serve mango in small portions, ensuring that the skin and pit are removed to prevent any risk of choking or digestive issues.
9. Can Cats Eat Pumpkins?
Yes, cats can eat pumpkins, and incorporating a small amount of cooked pumpkin puree into your cat’s diet can help with digestion and maybe even with issues like diarrhoea and constipation. Just ensure that any pumpkin served is free of the outer skin and seeds.
10. Can Cats Eat Avocados?
Avocados can be tricky for cats. For one, the meat of the avocado is generally safe in small amounts, but the pit, leaves, and peel contain persin, which can be harmful. Additionally, avocados are high in fat and might cause digestive discomfort or more severe health complications like pancreatitis in cats, especially those with sensitive stomachs or existing health conditions.
11. Can Cats Eat Grapes?
No, cats cannot eat grapes or raisins as they might cause kidney failure. Even small quantities of grapes can be extremely harmful to felines, leading to rapid kidney decline or other serious health issues.
What Vegetables Cats Can and Cannot Eat
While cats are obligate carnivores, primarily requiring animal protein, certain vegetables can occasionally be incorporated into their diet. These vegetables, although not essential, can offer additional vitamins and minerals not typically found in meat and can be particularly beneficial for overweight cats because they are naturally low in fat and calories.
Some of the vegetables that are safe for cats and those that should be avoided to ensure your feline friend’s diet remains balanced include:
12. Can Cats Eat Carrots?
Yes, carrots are generally safe for cats and can be beneficial in moderation. If possible, go for cooked carrots, which are easier for cats to digest and are a good source of beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A—a vital nutrient for cats. They also provide vitamins K and E and are rich in fibre. However, raw carrots should be avoided due to their hardness, which poses a choking risk.
13. Can Cats Eat Corn?
Yes, cats can safely consume corn. It is likely that your cat already consumes corn regularly since it is a common filler ingredient in many types of commercial cat food. Corn provides dietary fibre, which aids in digestion and helps maintain regular bowel movements.
14. Can Cats Eat Potatoes?
Cats can eat potatoes only if they are prepared properly. Raw potatoes or those with the skin on them are unsafe because they contain solanine, a toxin harmful to cats. To safely share potatoes with your cat, serve them cooked, peeled, and unseasoned. Avoid any added fats or spices to ensure they remain a safe treat.
15. Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Sweet potatoes are safe for cats in small quantities. They do not contain solanine, unlike regular potatoes, making them a safer choice. However, they should not be a significant part of a cat’s diet. If you choose to feed your cat sweet potatoes, offer them in moderation as a mashed, simply cooked, skinless treat.
16. Can Cats Eat Broccoli?
Broccoli is non-toxic to cats and can be fed in small, thumb-sized portions a few times a week. While it provides fibre and vitamins, it is not essential for a cat’s diet and should be introduced carefully.
Other Common Human Foods

Beyond the usual curiosity about whether cats can eat catnip or other plants, it is essential to explore the broader range of common human foods that might pique a cat’s interest. While catnip can be a safe, enjoyable treat that aids their digestion, what about other everyday items like bread, eggs, or cheese?
17. Can Cats Eat Bread?
While bread is not toxic to cats, it doesn’t offer any nutritional benefit to them either since they are primarily carbohydrates. Occasional small amounts, however, won’t hurt them, but bread should never replace portions of their balanced diet. Always ensure the bread is plain and free from harmful additives like garlic or raisins.
18. Can Cats Eat Eggs?
Yes, cats can eat fully-cooked eggs. They are a safe and nutritious treat for cats since they provide high-quality protein and essential amino acids. However, it is crucial to serve eggs cooked to avoid the risks of salmonella that come with raw eggs. Whether boiled, scrambled, or fried—ensure they are cooked without any added fats or spices.
19. Can Cats Eat Cheese?
Cheese is not typically recommended for cats. Although it might not be toxic for cats since many tend to be lactose intolerant and cannot digest dairy products properly, leading to digestive upset. Additionally, cheese is high in fats and salts, which are not ideal for cats.
20. Can Cats Eat Rice?
Yes, it is safe and non-toxic but it should be given sparingly as it offers limited nutritional value for carnivorous cats. A small amount of cooked rice can be offered as part of a balanced diet but should not become a regular substitute for nutritionally complete cat food.
21. Can Cats Eat Peanut Butter?
In moderation. Peanut butter itself isn’t toxic to cats, but it doesn’t provide any nutritional benefits and can be high in calories and fats. Additionally, many peanut butter contain additives like salt or artificial sweeteners, such as xylitol, which is harmful to cats.
22. Can Cats Eat Yoghurt?
Yes, cats can safely consume plain and unsweetened yoghurt. The active cultures in yoghurt can facilitate the digestion of lactose. Nevertheless, it is wise to consult your veterinarian before introducing yoghurt to your cat’s diet and to limit their intake to small quantities as an occasional treat.
23. Can Cats Eat Ice Cream?
No, ice cream is not suitable for cats. Most cats are lactose intolerant, and the dairy in ice cream can lead to digestive distress, including bloating and diarrhoea. Plus, ice cream, often high in sugar and fat, provides no nutritional benefit to your feline friend.
24. Can Cats Eat Chocolates?
Absolutely not. Chocolate is highly toxic to cats, containing substances like theobromine and caffeine that cats cannot metabolise.
25. Can Cats Eat Honey?
Cats can consume honey in very small amounts. Honey offers antibacterial properties and can support health in minor ways. However, due to its high sugar content, it should only be given sparingly to prevent the risk of obesity and diabetes, and always ensure your cat isn’t allergic to it first.
26. Can Cats Eat Raw Meat?
Depends. Feeding your cat raw meat that is clean and properly handled is generally safe due to their acidic digestive systems, which can handle the bacterial load. However, ensure the meat is fresh and handled with care to avoid contamination.
27. Can Cats Eat Pork?
Yes, cats can eat pork if it is cooked properly and served in moderation. Pork provides essential proteins for cats, but like any human food, it should not replace a balanced feline diet and should be free from additives and spices that can be harmful.
28. Can Cats Eat Chicken?
Yes, cats can eat chicken, and it is actually beneficial for them. Chicken is a significant source of protein that supports vital functions such as heart health, vision, and reproductive health. Ensure it is cooked without any harmful additives or spices and always bone-free to prevent any health risks.
29. Can Cats Eat Beef?
Absolutely, cats can eat beef. It is essential to serve it cooked and free from any spices or seasonings. And never serve it raw to avoid bacterial infections.
30. Can Cats Eat Prawns?
Yes, cats can safely enjoy prawns as an occasional treat. It is important to ensure that prawns are cooked without added spices or ingredients like garlic which are harmful to cats.
31. Can Cats Eat Almonds?
While almonds aren’t toxic to cats, they’re not recommended as a treat. However, do note that a cat’s digestive system isn’t designed to handle almonds, which can lead to stomach upset or even inflammation of the pancreas. They also pose a choking risk.
32. Can Cats Eat Sugar?
Feeding your cat sugary foods is highly discouraged. Sugar adds no nutritional value to a cat’s diet and can lead to several health issues, including obesity, dental problems, and diabetes.
33. Can Cats Eat Raw Fish?
Raw fish is not safe for cats and can be detrimental to their health. Uncooked fish carries the risk of harmful bacteria that can lead to food poisoning. Additionally, raw fish contains an enzyme that breaks down thiamine, a crucial B vitamin essential for your cat’s neurological health. A thiamine deficiency can result in severe neurological problems.
34. Can Cats Eat Salmon?
Salmon, when cooked properly, can be a delightful treat for cats. Ensure it is prepared simply, without any harmful seasonings or additives like onion or garlic, which are toxic to cats.
35. Can Cats Eat Ham?
Ham is not the best choice for cats, despite its high protein content. The high levels of salt and fat in ham can be detrimental to a cat’s health, potentially leading to obesity and other metabolic issues. If you do offer ham, it should be in very small quantities.
36. Can Cats Eat Popcorn?
Cats can eat plain, air-popped popcorn in moderation, but it is not the best snack for them. And it is not just because it might get stuck in their teeth, requiring a dental cleaning for your cat. You should also avoid popcorn with butter, salt, or flavoured coatings, which can be unhealthy or even toxic.
37. Can Cats Eat Oats?
Oats are safe for cats and can be included in their diet. However, if preparing oatmeal, it should be made with water, not milk, as many adult cats are lactose intolerant.
38. Can Cats Eat Biscuits?
While not toxic, biscuits are not ideal for cats. They often contain high levels of sugar and fats that do not meet the nutritional needs of cats. If you choose to give your cat a biscuit, ensure it is plain and free from chocolate or xylitol, and offer it only as an occasional treat.
Dangerous Foods That Should Always Be Avoided
From the above, it is clear that certain foods that humans consume with no issues can be detrimental, or even deadly, to our feline companions. Here is a detailed look at the foods you should strictly keep away from your cat:
- Alcohol: Even small amounts of alcohol, whether found in beverages or foods that include it, can be extremely hazardous to cats, causing symptoms ranging from vomiting and diarrhoea to severe respiratory issues, tremors, coma, or even death.
- Chocolate: All forms of chocolate are dangerous to cats. They contain methylxanthines like theobromine and caffeine, which can bring about various symptoms, including diarrhoea, vomiting, hyperactivity, elevated temperature, rapid breathing, muscle rigidity, seizures, and in some cases, coma and cardiac arrest.
- Dog Food: While an occasional small bite is unlikely to cause harm, dog food should not replace cat food. It lacks high levels of protein and specific vitamins and fatty acids, which are crucial for a cat’s health.
- Onions, Garlic, and Chives: These foods can irritate your cat’s digestive system and may even damage their red blood cells. Onions, along with garlic—which is significantly more potent—and chives, can cause symptoms like weakness, vomiting, breathlessness, and anaemia in cats.
- Raw or Undercooked Meats, Eggs, and Fish: These foods can be breeding grounds for harmful bacteria like Salmonella, which are dangerous to cats and humans alike. While some advocate for raw diets for cats due to their status as obligate carnivores, it is crucial that any raw diet is prepared with meticulous care to avoid potential health risks.
Always seek advice from your veterinarian or a pet hospital in Singapore if you suspect your cat has consumed any harmful foods or if you are planning dietary changes. Being vigilant and informed is key to maintaining your cat’s health and safety.
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