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CNA: This Singaporean vet is making sure senior pets get the palliative care they need in their last days

Like humans, our beloved fur babies will grow old, lose their sight, hearing, organ functions and suffer from critical illnesses like cancer. Driven by the pain of losing her own beloved dogs, Dr Kelly Yeo co-founded The Gentle Vet to help pets and their owners on their last heartbreaking journey together and reduce the pain of the passing.

Article by: Annie Tan, Channel News Asia 

Date: 10 June, 2024 

Full article can be read here.

Get Help from The Gentle Vet

Chronic conditions in pets, such as dog epilepsy, cat kidney disease, or allergies in your furry companion, require attentive, ongoing care. By understanding these conditions, adhering to prescribed treatments, making dietary adjustments, and maintaining open communication with your veterinarian, you can significantly enhance your pet’s comfort and quality of life.
Remember, at The Gentle Vet, we’re here to support you every step of the way in your pet’s journey through their golden years. For specific concerns — like cat arthritis treatment, dog arthritis treatment, or for a pet cancer vet  — don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive care for your beloved companion, through it all.
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