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Welcome To The Gentle Vet

Our Services

We’re With You For

Palliative & Hospice Care for Pets

At The Gentle Vet, we understand the bond between pets and their families. It’s a connection forged in love and companionship, growing stronger through the years. As your cherished pet enters the twilight of their life, we’re here to offer a sanctuary of comfort and compassion, helping to navigate the tender journey of palliative and hospice care with empathy and understanding.

Find out more about other pet services and healthcare.

We’re With You For

Our Palliative Care Services

Palliative care at The Gentle Vet offers a warm embrace for pets in the final chapter of their lives. Our focus extends beyond merely managing pain or illness; it encompasses enhancing your pet’s quality of life. 


This care involves providing comfort, love, and reassurance, easing the symptoms of terminal or chronic health conditions that are beyond medical cure. We aim to help your pet live out the rest of their life most comfortably, while extending their time with you wherever possible.

Palliative care becomes a necessary and compassionate choice under several circumstances. Your pet may require such care if they have been:

When is Palliative Pet Care Needed?

  • Diagnosed with cancer or other terminal conditions
  • Experiencing a deteriorating chronic condition
  • In late-stage kidney, liver, heart, or organ failure
  • Suffering from unmanaged chronic pain
In these situations, palliative care offers a compassionate solution, focusing on your pet’s well-being and your peace of mind. The Gentle Vet is here to support you and your pet with all that’s needed during this time. Get in touch with our 24-hour pet clinic to find out more.

Tailored Comfort and Care for Your Pet

Palliative care at The Gentle Vet includes:
  • Pain Management: Gentle relief to ease discomfort.
  • Nutritional Care: Ensuring your pet remains nourished and strong.
  • Mobility and Comfort Aids: Helping your pet move and rest more comfortably.
  • Adaptive Care Plans: Personalised care to meet your pet’s changing needs.
  • Home Care Guidance: Empowering you with the skills to care for your pet at home.
We’re With You For

Our Hospice Care Services

Our hospice care is about providing peace and serenity in your pet’s final days. We offer this tender care both in your home and at our clinic, based on what will best serve the needs of your pet and family.

In-home & In-Clinic Hospice Care for Pets

  • Keeping pets in their familiar, loving home environment is our preference, but we also provide a serene, private space in our clinic for families who need it. It’s a place of tranquillity where you can share precious moments together. This approach ensures that your pet’s final days are filled with the love and peace they so deserve, surrounded by those who care for them the most. For more information or to arrange hospice care, please get in touch with our team.
We’re With You For

Why Choose The Gentle Vet

Selecting The Gentle Vet for your pet’s palliative and hospice care needs means entrusting them to a team deeply aware of your profound bond. We recognise the emotional weight and significance of your pet’s final days. Our dedicated and experienced team, supported by top-tier care facilities, is unwaveringly committed to ensuring your pet’s comfort and dignity.


We specialise in providing palliative and hospice care that not only addresses physical needs but also supports emotional wellbeing. Our approach is tailored to offer peace, comfort, and compassionate care, ensuring a gentle and loving journey for your beloved companion.

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291 Tanjong Katong Road (437074)
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